Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year 2009!

2008 was Great, but 2009 is DIVINE! Most people say that 2008 wasn't so great, OK- it's over now. We are now onward and upward into the NEW YEAR! I love new beginnings, don't you? New things happening as well as new births occurring, new businesses starting, new and fresh ideas which are thought about and acted upon. Celebrate the NEW YEAR!

Monday, December 29, 2008


In the Mid-Holidays we all drift along in the Spirit of Christmas, which is very relaxing as well as loving. Family time and the Blessings of being together while the winds blow and snow falls outside feels great! The festive atmosphere lulls us into random acts of kindness, giving and friendliness toward our fellow man. Peace & Goodwill to all!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

New Moon, New Life

There is a New Moon tonight, and it is in Capricorn! This is a fantastic time in our life, and in the future upcoming year! The New Moon signals new ideas, new plans and startup projects. The stars in the heavens are beaming at us at this time, along with the planets lining up with the new moon of December into the New Year! 2008 was Great, 2009 is Divine! Live it up!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry 12 Days of Christmas- This is the 1st Day!

On the 1st Day of Christmas, My True Love Gave to Me...
From 1558 until 1829, Roman Catholics in England were not permitted to practice their faith openly. Someone during that era wrote this carol as a catechism song for young Catholics. It has two levels of meaning: the surface meaning plus a hidden meaning known only to members of their church. Each element in the carol has a code word for a religious reality which the children could remember. -The partridge in a pear tree was Jesus Christ. -Two turtle doves were the Old and New Testaments.-Three French hens stood for faith, hope, and love. -The four calling birds were the four gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke & John. -The five golden rings recalled the Torah or Law, the first five books of the Old Testament. -The six geese a-laying stood for the six days of creation. -Seven swans a-swimming represented the sevenfold gifts of the Holy Spirit--Prophesy, Serving, Teaching, Exhortation, Contribution, Leadership, and Mercy. -The eight maids a-milking were the eight beatitudes. -Nine ladies dancing were the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit--Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self Control. -The ten lords a-leaping were the ten commandments. -The eleven pipers piping stood for the eleven faithful disciples. -The twelve drummers drumming symbolized the twelve points of belief in the Apostles' Creed.So there is your history for today. This knowledge was shared with me and I found it interesting and enlightening, and now I know how that strange song became a Christmas Carol... Merry 12 Days of Christmas!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christmas Cards

WOW- Finally the Christmas Cards are done! Yes, we send out emails, we do Secret Santa presents, we attend office parties, we talk on the phone to catch up, but the definitive communication with each other is still the Christmas Cards! They may come before Christmas, after Christmas or even after the New Year~ they may be hand written, typed or computer processed, even with or without the pictures, it doesn't matter... what matters is that we think enough of each other to still send them out in snail mail! This is proof positive that we care!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

This Is A Unique Solstice

This Is A Unique Solsticeby Patricia Diane Cota-Robles The Winter Solstice is considered one of the most powerful times of the year by many cultures around the world. In the Northern Hemisphere this celestial event usually occurs on December 21st. The timing of the solstice this year will be Sunday, December 21, at 7:04 a.m. EST, 4:04 a.m. PST, or 12:04 p.m. Universal Time. The Winter Solstice is the longest night of the year, and it heralds the initial impulse of the annual return of the Sun, the Light, to the Earth. This year the spiritual effects of the solstice will be more powerful than ever before. This is due to the incredible influx of Light that is pouring into the planet through the heartfelt pleas of people everywhere. Humanity is experiencing the most intensified purging of the economic system, and the various other social structures that do not operate with a consciousness of the highest good for all concerned, that we have ever endured. This is a necessary cleansing that is paving the way for the physical manifestation of the patterns of perfection for the New Earth. The difficult part of this process is that the masses of Humanity do not see the bigger picture. Millions of people see only the painful situations that are happening in their lives. As a result of this limited perception, they feel overwhelmed and hopeless. This is very hard to observe, but it is not all bad. After our fall from Grace aeons ago, we became so numb to the discord in our lives that we just muddled through our Earthly experiences accepting mediocrity as a natural state of being. We fell into the terrible habit of using pain as our motivator. Unless we were writhing in agony, we did not feel that it would help to take action or to ask for assistance from our Father-Mother God. For millions of people on Earth, prayer and an invocation for Light from our God Parents occurs only when they are brought to their knees by their life situations. This is exactly what is happening at this time for millions of people all over the world. The Company of Heaven is revealing to us now that more people than ever before are reaching a critical moment in their life experiences. Consequently, millions of people are asking God for Divine Intervention. Many of them are praying for the very first time. This powerful event, in unison with the millions of Lightworkers who daily invoke the Light of God, has created the greatest influx of Light the Earth has ever experienced during a Winter Solstice. This Heavenly assistance will greatly empower the patterns of perfection for the New Earth, and it will accelerate our individual hopes and dreams by leaps and bounds. Beginning now, and continuing for the next 72 hours, focus intently on the vision of what you want to manifest in your life and the lives of your loved ones. Focus on your visions for the New Earth and the harmony and balance you wish for all Humanity. This is a rare opportunity, and we are being called to action by our God Selves—our I AM Presence—and the Company of Heaven. Be sure your visions and your intentions always reflect our Oneness and the Reverence of ALL Life.This event will pave the way for a God Victorious New Year. 2009 is going to be a year of miraculous changes. These changes have been in the works for quite some time, and now we are going to experience them tangibly in the world of form. These changes will not happen by chance. They will occur through the unified efforts of Lightworkers all over the world and the Company of Heaven. I know there are a lot of dire predictions regarding the global economy and the challenges Humanity is going through, but we are not the victims of circumstance. We are the cocreators of our Earthly experiences. If we do not like the way things are going in our lives, we have the ability to change our circumstances. This is what we have been preparing for aeons to accomplish—and now is the time. As the Hopi prophecy states: “We are the ones we have been waiting for.”2009 numerically is an 11 year. Eleven is the master number that reflects the transformation of the physical into the Divine. The archetypes for the patterns of perfection for the New Earth were securely anchored into the physical plane in August 2008. In 2009, through our creative faculties of thought and feeling, we will expand these patterns into our daily experiences.The purging and cleansing of the obsolete behavior patterns that have caused the maladies existing in Humanity’s lives will continue. But the wonderful news is, as these old archetypes crumble away, the expansion of the patterns of perfection for the New Earth will begin to manifest in ways that will bring joy, fulfillment and great expectations into the hearts and minds of people everywhere.There is a new sense of hope flooding through the hearts of people around the world. Humanity’s hope is magnetizing Legions of Light from the Realms of Perfection into the atmosphere of Earth in ways we have never experienced. The Divine Intent of these Messengers of God is to assist Humanity to move quickly through the cleansing process so that the bliss of the New Earth will manifest in the twinkling of an eye.2009 is going to be whatever we cocreate together. Do not let this opportunity pass you by. Patricia Diane Cota-RoblesNew Age Study of Humanity's Purposea 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organizationWebsite: FAX: 520-751-2981; Phone: 520-885-7909New Age Study of Humanity's PurposePO Box 41883, Tucson, Arizona 85717This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as the proper credit line is included.©2008 Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

Saturday, December 20, 2008

St Theresa's Prayer for Our Peace

Saint Theresa's Prayer~ May today there be peace within. May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith. May you use those gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you. May you be content knowing you are a child of God. Let this presence settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love. It is there for each and every one of us.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Looking Forward

Here I am looking forward again! The year is almost over! 2008 was great! All that is left is the frosting on the cake~ the holidays! Looking forward to a new start and a new year is always freeing! I can only advise myself, but maybe others can learn from things that happen to me~ I am better and better every year, because I start fresh every year, starting with the Winter Solstice, then My Birthday, then Christmas, then the New Year! Bring it on!

Monday, December 15, 2008

The Holidays are Heating Up

The Holidays are heating up, but not the weather! The days are getting colder and colder! Below zero now and bitter cold! Who wants to put up decorations, lights or even be outside!! Lets hope for a warming trend so Santa won't freeze! The post office was overfull today, at least it is one thing we can do inside- wait in line to mail packages...
Please dress for the weather if you must go outside at all, but preferably stay inside and sip hot cider during these bitter frozen days, maybe bake a few cookies or other warming activities, as well!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Chocolate Wow

Today was a chocolate wow day! I was on a chocolate high all day! Tru Chocolate is my fav, but I am not above M&M's! It is ALL GOOD ! It keeps me going, and I really LOVE the taste~ chocolate is my last and best indulgence! The food of the Gods and Goddesses! Fit for Kings and Queens, and I figure we fit in there somewhere!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Money vs Time

Which would you prefer: more money or more time? I prefer to have more time, then I can always earn more money! Most people would rather have more money, believe it or not! Money is only good in circulation, not in the bank~ this is obvious especially now, as the economy seems to be spiraling downward, and the banks are needing bailouts. Inventing more time is the best invention, investing in more time is always the wisest investment.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Intenders Tonight

The Intenders of the Highest Good met in our Circle tonight, with some expert Intenders~ They really know how to Intend and Manifest their desires! Some fantastic events happening and some long held desires coming to pass! That is what The Intenders is all about~ getting what you want, as well as everyone else getting what they want, and all for The Highest Good!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Old Man Winter

Brrr... The cold has arrived. Old Man Winter has set up housekeeping for awhile. Snow is beautiful, but the cold is bitter. Time now for inside activities and reading is a good one. Book Clubs abound, and the one I attend met tonight for dinner, wine and dessert. The books were our favorite Christmas Story Book. Each person had a different one. There are new Christmas Stories every year, so no two were the same. Very interesting conversation and discussion~ Book Ladies are the Best conversationalists, and the Best cooks!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Woes or Wows

How do you look at life? Do you look at the woes of your life, or do you enjoy the wows of your life? Are you a human doing or a human being? Do you think about time being less valuable than money? Or do you feel that time is priceless? How you look at life determines the quality of your life, and maybe even the quantity of the days of your life. There is still time to look more clearly and have more fun! Do you REALLY want to fixate on the woes, or would you like to have more time and more energy in your life by celebrating the wows??

Monday, December 1, 2008

Planets Line Up for !st of December

Did you see the sky tonight? In the southwest is a trine of 3 lined up~ a triple conjunction of the Crescent Moon, Venus and Jupiter! The Moon represents The Goddess, Venus is the planet of Love, Jupiter is the planet of Luck! This is a very good sign for the Christmas and Hanukkah Holidays coming up. Also was a Venus Occultation with the Moon just prior to the trine. has great pictures! One is taken right here at The Garden of the Gods, at the Kissing Camels~ it is a spectacular photo!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thank GOD for small favors!

Thank You, GOD for small favors! And large ones too! This time is truly blessed! The Holidays have officially started, Thanksgiving weekend (or week) is now over, and everyone is concentrating on the Christmas and Hanukkah season now! The small favors are many! Plenty of Turkey being one of the blessings! You have got to love that tryptophan! It elevates the mood and keeps us happy being with the relatives! Of course, it is great being with the relatives...

Thursday, November 27, 2008


Last year, I posted quotes about being thankful. This year, I am grateful to be here now! I am grateful to be in America, to be an Awesome American, and to be FREE! I am grateful for my freedom, I am grateful for my special talents and abilities, and I am grateful for the cosmic happenings in my life every day!
You know, Thanksgiving is an American Holiday~ USA is the ONLY country in the world that celebrates being thankful! Also USA is the only country in the world who has a motto and an oath: "In GOD We Trust"

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Hope or Cope

Do you have hope or do you just cope? If you are like most people, you just cope. Cope by doing whatever it takes to make you feel safe. The warm and fuzzy feeling and making your body relax by relieving stress. This is usually done by nicotine, caffeine, alcohol, codeine, morphine, etc...
The healthy way to cope is really resting, relaxing and being happy and enjoying. The hope is that all will be well. Even if it is false hope, research shows that it relieves suffering. Having hope is very important in the health of your body, mind as well as your spirit. Never lose hope~ never give up, never give in!

Saturday, November 22, 2008


Sometimes we all are inspiring: we have been inspired by others and then, in turn, we pass on this act of being inspiring. In Spirit, literally. Also "taking in" as in taking in air=breathing. So Inspiring is as simple as breathing... why don't we do it more often? Breathing is essential to life, so is being in the Spirit, isn't inspiring as vital? Can we be inspiring to our favorite people?

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Here are my intentions for today:
Rest, Relax, Rejuvenate!
Read, Write, Renew Faith!
This is all I did today, but it is all I needed.
It is everything! Intentions are sometimes all I have.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Brain Train or Drain?

A Neuroscience conference done and back to work! Learning is great, but sometimes I wonder if it is brain training or brain draining... A vacation is in order now! That will revitalize all the brain cells and make them dance!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Friday Full Moon

Did you look up tonight? There is the Gemini Full Moon! It has some very interesting aspects and we will all benefit from them!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Another Day of Down Dow

Today is another day of downward spiral of the dow. Wall street on the way down. What to do? Go with the flow, what goes down must come up, and what goes up, must come down. Gravity is a physical law. When the physical gets tough the tough get going to the spiritual. The next step to the next dimension is here now! Take the next step...

Monday, November 10, 2008


11-11 is a very special time and a very special day! We are almost there for this year, just about 11 more minutes! The number 11 has important aspects, especially when it is doubled, (in a few more years we will find out how very lucky it is when it is tripled!!!) So, it is also Veterans Day~ please wish the Veteran in your life a happy day, go to the parade, or just do something special, they have risked their lives so that we may be free, and freedom is never free~ enjoy being FREE!

Friday, November 7, 2008

A Full Day

A beautiful day, nice drive, full day at the office, then networking at night. My kind of day~ busy, but enjoyable and fulfilling! Productive and providing service to our community! Tell me that I have a dream life and I will have to agree with you. I love every day, and every day loves me! Care to join me? You have to learn to love chocolate though...

Monday, November 3, 2008

Election Eve

This is the Eve of the Election, also a Capricorn Moon. The combination is intriguing and cosmic! We will be happy to see the campaign end tomorrow. Both candidates are hopeful. The Lady always wins, she is always right. Soon we will know the winner! Stay tuned, keep praying...

Thursday, October 30, 2008

October Almost Over

This October has been a nightmare for most, when all things are considered, such as the economy, stock market, wall street, campaigns and candidates, media propaganda, and political agendas. One more day to go, then we will escape and look back on the worst October since the Wall Street Crash, 10-29-29 which was the start of The Great Depression in the 1930's
On the lighter side, literally THE LIGHT is shining through it all and will expose everything dark, and we will be seeing with enlightened eyes and minds! Stay Tuned...

Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Week is ON

The week is on again, the race is on to get everything done! A lot is on my plate, as well as on everyone's plate! Lets go for it and get it on! Get it done! Already it is later than we think... and I don't mean by the calendar... Oh, and get out and VOTE! It is painless, it is our duty and it is our privilege, and we earned the FREEDOM and responsibility to cast our vote~ let's DO IT! VOTE!

Thursday, October 23, 2008


Snow has arrived here in Colorado- too soon! I know it is time by the calendar, but it is not time by my inner compass! I know I am not the only one either! The fall has only begun! Give fall a chance... after all we have all winter to deal with the snow again!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Weekend Over!

This weekend is now over... I wish these weekends could go on forever, and ever, and ever... What a beautiful fall weekend! Yellow and golden leaves everywhere, the trees are glowing! Back to working tomorrow. Ah yes, work. Stay the course. Enjoy the autumn while working!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Moving Forward

The popular term, moving forward and going forward now goes forward! Mercury goes direct~ forward today-YEAH! Now we can all move forward without the 2 steps forward, and 1 step back (or is it 1 step forward and 2 steps back...?) Everything is easier when Mercury is moving forward, better communication, relations and more LOVE! Lets keep the ball rolling and moving forward by being easier to get along with, easier to talk to, easy to be with, and more loving, of course!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Inspire Each Other!

Lets inspire each other, not bring each other down. The world seems to be a more difficult place these days, so we need to be a community and come together in love and caring. We always have the freedom to choose our emotions, feelings and responses to anything "out there", lets choose wisely and be respectful and compassionate, with generosity and random acts of kindness to each other~ our family, friends and associates. And, we can have good natured and clean fun inspiring each other! The whole world needs us, and we need the world, it is a symbiotic relationship! Fun, fun, fun...

Saturday, October 11, 2008

How Low Will It Go?

How low will the stock market go? Yesterday was known as the new Black Friday. It could have been worse, and still could be... stay tuned for next week. What are we doing to help? How are we all coping right now? Less of this and more of that, usually less shopping and more free activities, but what about important things like food? Less of that too? The surveys say yes, we now are even cutting back on our food. What about living, should we cut back on that too? We do need food to live... Keep praying for a solution that we all can live well with!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Back to the Future

Are we going through a shift or are we going back to the future? Are we now in a magnetic reversal? Whatever it is, it is sure different! There are unprecedented events happening at this time, financial events being the least of our worries, even though most of us are fixated on the financial picture now. What to do? Prepare. Plan. Protect. Persist. Prosper.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Do You Believe in Miracles?

OK, I know the economy isn't good, but do you believe in miracles? I do, and I always have! In fact, I am a living, breathing, walking miracle myself. The miracle is always Life! The miracle of Life is always Love. I know this sounds like fluff, but it is an universal, immutable law. If you have enough love in your life, and in yourself, then you can do or be anything! If you intend, then the universe answers! If you superintend, then the universe is lying at your feet, literally kissing your feet... asking to be of service to you! I bet you didn't think you were so important! NOW do you believe in miracles?

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Rain~ I'm Loving it!

In Colorado, when it rains, it is simply DIVINE! It has been raining on and off most of the day, just little light rain, with some light clouds, light thunder and lightning~ nothing too heavy, but much needed! The smell of rain is clearing my mind and spirit! This aromatherapy works! No matter what happens in the world, rain will always come and be refreshing to the very soul of us all! Thank God for the rain! If we didn't have the rain, we wouldn't appreciate the sun! If we didn't have the drought, we wouldn't be so grateful for the rain!
BTW~ The Intenders Circle has been cancelled today, because I was planning to be out of town, but The Intenders Podcast will go on! It is @ 11:30 EST, 9:30 MST at, or call 724 444 7444, ID#11157 (see the podcasts on the right of this post)

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

A New October

This is the beginning of a New October. Is it going to be a repeat of the October 29, 1929 Wall Street Crash? I think not. Even though the market is down, the economy is flat, the prices are up, the jobs are tight, there is still some kind of light shining through it all. Keep the faith, it is time to be ALL AMERICAN! Be an Awesome American!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

WE are the Economy

WE are the Economy~ WEconomy, and only WE can fix "the economy" or the crisis, or the recession, depression, or WEcession, or whatever... I can't believe that WE would allow this problem to even exist! Get up and get going, Americans, get our *#*#* government to work for us, not against us! I know that Angels are standing by and await our invitation to help.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Sometimes it is blogging, other times it is more like slogging. Vlogging is the next "in" thing, this is video blogging. Web logging in any form is fun, free and flowing~ always going with the flow of the current, as in current events...

Sunday, September 21, 2008

World Peace Day

Happy Day! World Peace Day or International Peace Day~ as long as it is Peaceful! Meditate on peace, pray for peace, act on peace, be the peace you want to see in the world! PEACE and HARMONY! Peace to the people! Shalom, Peace~ Please!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Keep on Learning

Whatever you do, just keep on learning! It helps your body stay fit, your mind stay sharp, and your spirit stay soaring! Never, never, ever give up, or quit, or give in... just keep on keeping on and everything works out (eventually). This is one of those times when the time is NOW! Learn all you can learn about everything, Be all you can be! We are all still learning, and we are all learning together.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Living Younger!

How would YOU like to feel 10 years younger? Or maybe 15-20 years younger? Well, That is my motto, that is why I am here! I love helping my patients to live younger! I am in the right place at the right time, and I am the right person to assist YOU to Live Younger Longer! I am constantly learning new ways to help YOU to be the healthy person you want to be, and I am becoming the healthy person I want to be right along with YOU! My own story is a path of healing over many years, but these have passed as the blink of an eye... Come grow young with me, the best is yet to be!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Did you make it?

Did you make it through Sept 11th? Wow, even 7 years later, it still hurts... Time heals all wounds, but this wound has been a deep one in our great country's past. It will live on for a long time in our hearts and minds, if not forever! Each year gets a little better, just like with any great sorrow, but we all know the pain will never go away. It is a stark & painful reminder of the fact that we are all in this together, so lets stick together forever! We are all needed~ every True American is vital to the cause of Freedom, Truth and Liberty~ and Justice for All!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


The number 9 is my number, then the 99 is my lucky number. Numerology has been discussed in this blog several times in past postings. Fabulous times we are having! Lucky for most, Blessed for others! Pause and reflect on your life~ is it a work of art or a work of something else? Change, if you want, you are in control.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Direct night

Tonight Pluto, Jupiter and even Venus go direct, this is one thing I know about astrology/astronomy~ when the planets go direct, all is well, and the bigger the planet, and Jupiter is big~ the better it is! I am looking forward to this direct night tonight!

Saturday, September 6, 2008


McCain/Palin here in Colorado Springs today! Tickets were sold out, of course. How did they get here so quickly from the RNC in St Paul? The jets are flying faster and farther than ever before! Everyone and everything seems to be going through Colorado~ WE are the HEART of the USA~

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

RNC Tonight

The RNC tonight was electrifying! Speeches were great, Heros abound! I really enjoyed the whole night, watching the people's reaction. You can tell who WE the People like! The polls in November will tell also. I am not a politician, usually I don't even like politics at all, but these past 16 years have made me sit up and pay attention to who our leaders are, what they represent, and are they the true backbone of our country, or just the figureheads...

Monday, September 1, 2008


There are changes all around us, the weather- from summer to fall already, the presidential election, the children going back to school- new grade, new teacher, new attitude and new clothes! I feel like the changes are overall good- history is being made every day. A feeling of the change is registered in the heart, follow your heart, and you (and I) will know if it is right for us right now in our life. It is foolish to not change, because everything changes, and the only thing that is constant is change, however- use the God given talent to distinguish change simply for the sake of change from the vital and fundamental growth of character needed for this new century. Choose!

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Labor Day

The old labor day, again. This is intended to be a day of rest for all those that labor, however, it means even more labor for us all usually. Just look at all the businesses open on labor day, and even more laborers bringing work home to get "caught up" & all the entrepreneurs who labor just as much on labor day than any other day of the week. Oh yes, it's just another day at the office, especially now that the office is so portable! You can work anywhere you are! Happy Laboring on Labor Day!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Dems in Denver

The convention is in full swing, all the players are here. The media and microbreweries are having a frenzy! There are more media here than were at the Olympics! They are swarming all the micros! The beer might run dry!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Denver DNC

The DNC is here in the big city! The traffic is not terrific! It is really a drag! I keep calling it Denver National Convention! Thats OK, I noticed many others calling it the same thing! Even the press! I am glad it is in Denver, but I also can't wait until they all leave!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Talk to the animals

Walk with the animals... as the song goes- I saw a mountain lion (we call them wild cats) while I was driving on a well traveled road in Denver today! She was just sitting in the flowers by the side of the road, just on the other side of my car! This proud lioness was watching everyone drive by and enjoying herself immensely in the sun. It was unbelieveable to me that she would be so close to people! Maybe she was hungry! She looked like a big pussy cat, but of course, that doesn't fool me- I did tell her how magnificent she looked, but I didn't get an answer, just a smile!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Olympics Over

Olympics over already? That was really fast! The athletes were all fantastic and very focused! USA is still the best! I am amazed at all the world records that were broken by fellow Americans! I am truly proud to be an American! The Chinese really put on a show- that was also fabulous! The Fireworks and the show at the Birdsnest was really over the top! Great place for a great and memorable Olympics, it will be remembered for many years as one of the best ever!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Reunion Time

This is reunion time, and last night was another high school reunion. We have them every 10 years, but this one was 6 years. I know, why 6? I couldn't tell you, I didn't plan it this time... It was good to see old friends and catch up on old news. No old boyfriends in attendance, though- darn! The bar was flowing, even overflowing, and that is where the crowd gathered. I wonder why is this? Isn't everyone happy?

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Olympic Gold

Lots of Olympic Gold! From swimming to wrestling, to gymnastics to volleyball, our USA does it again- and with new world records, to boot! The weather in China doesn't seem to bother anyone, after all the complaints about smog. We Americans are always up to a challenge, we always take it on! And we always win! Winning is natural to us, it is second nature. Keep it up!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Full Moon, Lunar Eclipse, Meteor Showers, OH MY!

Yes, this is the time for the Aquarius Full Moon, Lunar Eclipse, Meteor Showers, no to mention the fabulous rainbow and cloud lights after the rain downpour today! What a great time to be alive, now if only I had time to enjoy it!!! I really would have liked my daughter and her fiance to get married during this time, but they are not ready! Ready? Who is EVER READY?

Thursday, August 14, 2008


STRESS! Is this the name of the game? Today is one of those days, you know what I mean... I specialize in the relief of stress, but I need some of my own medicine today to get me through! Here I go~~~ DESTRESS! NOT distress! DE~STRESS, Ahaaa~~~

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

5 Podcasts and a Blog

Last night, I can't believe it myself, but I did 5 Podcasts and a blog, and voted too! That is after a fast and furious day at the office! Twitter has had to wait, however, so do the puppies~ I will walk them tonight after Networking with ANEW (A Network of Exceptional Women). Vacation? Yes, I need one! I am high energy, but this is something else! Stay tuned for MORE!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Primary Time

Time to vote in the primaries already! Get out and VOTE! I am also interested in the Democratic National Convention to be held in Denver this month! This will be interesting and educational for one and all!

Friday, August 8, 2008


Triple 8 Day! 8 is SO lucky, and when we have 3 of them in a row, it is MORE than 3 times the luck- MORE than triple lucky! Yes, it is actually INFINITELY LUCKY! 8=Infinity 888=InfinityInfinityInfinity... on & on & on forever! Do you feel lucky today? I sure do! There won't be another day like today for a thousand years! Be Infinitely Happy today!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Almost to the Olympic Opening Day

Tomorrow is the official Olympic Opening Day in China! We are all looking forward to it- Lucky day too! Happy 888!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Fast and furious

These days are fast and furious, just be cool and take it as easy as possible!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Happy New Moon and Solar Eclipse

This is a new beginning and a fabulous time for all of us!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

July is HOT

No question about it... July seems to be heating up!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Do we REALLY know another?

Do we really get to know another human being? Do we? I mean, REALLY! Even married couples say that they don't really know their spouse. Is our life so busy that we don't even know our spouse? Or our family, or friends, or associates, or... the list goes on. This great internet thing- is it a help or a hindrance to real communication? Some serious questions to ponder. I am going to visit my mom- I REALLY know her! Then I am going to call my children, I believe I REALLY know them! The reason is that my mom raised me, and I raised my children- maybe they are the ONLY ones I REALLY know, but at least I know that! I know that I know that I know! Know what I mean?

Friday, July 25, 2008

Finally Rain

We finally have some rain here in Colorado- it was so dry that people say we are in a drought again- I believe it. I know it sounds odd to write about the weather, but this is serious. The fire danger is high, so we are thankful for any rain we can get! It reminds me of my grandmother, who used to study the weather like the Bible. She knew when each and every storm was coming in before any of the weathercasters on the radio or TV. She just "knew" what was going to happen before it actually did. She could actually feel it or smell it. Rain was her favorite, just because it is so good for the earth, Mother Earth. No amount of watering is as good as the rain, she always said. Thanks for the weather report, Grandma!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Are Friends Friendly?

Friends: the greatest people we know, or are they? Isn't everyone only interested in their own agenda? Are they friends only because it benefits them? Are we friends to others only to get benefits for ourselves? Do we really love our friends, or do we just tolerate them? Really, quite honestly, if you have one TRUE friend, you are very lucky, if you have two, you are blessed! Always BE the friend you want, and you will always HAVE the friends you want... be friendly and you will never lack friends. Sometimes this is easier to say than do, I know, but it is well worth it! A friend is one of life's little joys, so enjoy!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


It is HOT! The weather as well as the feelings! Everyone seems to be feeling frisky lately, things are getting done, even the price of gas is coming down! Midsummer is here and in full fun fling! BBQ's & Pool Parties are happening, we are all socializing up a storm! I love it! Great food, great friends, great times! Networking groups abound, ice cream socials seem to be making a mild comeback, but what I have noticed most is the online social networking really getting heated up lately. Check out Twitter, for a fun example. They are in the news and also on Youtube. Meet new friends online for business, fun, and keeping in touch, kind of like online pen pals. I have been twittering for a few months now, or is it tweeting? Come on in, the water is fine!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Time to do the Detox Rock & Roll

Yea! The heat is on! Time to do the detox rock! And roll- get rid of the roll! You know, around the middle... Spring is a good time to detox, but midsummer is the best time! Especially if you missed the "spring cleaning," like I did. The heat will help the toxins roll off your body, use all the help you can get! The fat and toxins build up during the long winter months, then they can be slow to come off, until now- NOW is the time! Just be sure to also help this process with lots of water! Drink anywhere from 1-4 liters a day, and you will see a change in your shape, as well as how you feel- you will feel lighter, and BE lighter! Of course, purified water is better, and pure mineral water is best! Here's a toast to detox with pure water!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Capricorn Full Moon

Happy Cappy Full Moon! May all your lofty dreams come true! Capricorn is my sign and also my personality. (Some people are bullish, some are bearish, I am Goatish, haha) This is a great full moon if you go outside and look at it. Last night it was under the clouds, and only came out for a few seconds at a time, but it was magnificent! It will make you feel like a million bucks! You may even be transformed! Try an air bath or a hot tub under the full moon, or even camping out all night! It will be unforgettable!

Monday, July 14, 2008

We are ALL in this together!

Yes, we are all in this world together! We are all experiencing the rise in gas prices, as well as the fall in the stock market. The wave of the future coming over us and the nostalgia of the past behind us. I say let us unite! Lets get together and intend what we want, say what we desire and GET IT! Nevermind who is running for president, WE are running the USA! Who is working today? US! Who is voting? US! Who is actually running this show? ACT like it, then! Don't hire illegals if you don't want them overpopulating our country and using/abusing our services that we can't get, because they are overwhelming the systems. Don't eat at the junk food places, don't buy the food that is shipped in from wherever- eat local! Buy local, and hire local- is that so difficult?

Friday, July 11, 2008

The Doctor of the Future

The future is now! Time to give Thomas Edison more credit where credit is due- he was, of course a genius inventor, but he was also a futurist!
"The Doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease."
We are now at the point in our future that FINALLY patients are starting to be interested in their health and wellbeing, it has been one of our most difficult tasks to INTEREST the patients in their own health! Still lots of work to do, of course, but people are starting to get it!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Olympics in 1 Month on 8-8-8

Today is 7-8-8, in 1 month, the Olympics begin in China. The Chinese picked 8-8-8 for the Olympics because they consider the 8 as the luckiest number, three 8's are triple lucky! Yes, numerology again, but chinese numerology is a little different, just like chinese new year is on a different day than our new year. Chinese astrology is also slightly different, based on animals for the signs. Since 8 is the lucky number of this year (2008), it is everyone's lucky number~ especially for money! It is recommended that to attract money, put a number 8 in your wallet. Try it, what do you have to lose?

Monday, July 7, 2008

7-7 Today

Today is 7-7... Lucky 7's! No, I didn't buy a lottery ticket! I mean lucky in the way of numerology. Last year, it was even better~ 7-7-7! The planets even lined up on this day last year! This year, we have a totally different cycle with 7-7-8. There are two groups of Lucky Numbers: those that stay with you all your life, and another set of numbers that changes at regular intervals, in a pattern based on certain cycles found in your personal numerology chart. Some change every calendar year, others change every month or every day, and some change with each birth day, many numbers, in particular the daily Lucky Numbers, follow a rhythmic pattern. This is because those numbers are derived in part from certain yearly, monthly, and daily cycles in your personal chart which also appear in a predictable rhythm; much like the seasons and other cyclical events in nature. Enjoy today!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

I Make Miracles Every Day!

We ALL are able to make miracles every day! I remember when I was little, a miracle was something so rare, that I thought I would never in my life see one. Then, I saw one! What a revelation that was! Then, even more rare, (or so I thought) were miracles happening that I made!!! I thought only Jesus (or GOD) could make miracles! I noticed the miracles that others made, and after years of being in the presence of miracles happening everywhere, I now KNOW we are all miracle makers~ all we need to do is desire a miracle and it is ours! Think back on anything you desired with all your heart, did it find a way of manifesting for you? You made a miracle! Miracles actually happen every day, you and I make miracles every day! "What I desire, I must first imagine. What I imagine I create."-Michaelangelo-

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 232 Birthday, USA! May the FOURTH be with you!

This is America's 232nd Birthday! Happy Birthday and Happy Freedom & Independence Day to us (US). As the song goes, I AM Proud to be an American! In fact I AM Blessed to be an American! I LOVE AMERICA! I LOVE FREEDOM! We are ONE NATION under GOD! We have the freedom to be, do or have anything we desire. America is the ONLY Free Country in the world! If you don't think so, go somewhere else and TRY to be free! Long may Our Flag Wave ***=== (***=== is the internet shorthand for the Stars & Stripes) May the FOURTH be with you!

This is a true story that speaks the truth about how freedom is NOT free:

What ever happened to the Brave Men Who Signed The Declaration of Independence???
Posted July 4th, 2008 by Jdayh Declaration of Independence Facts
Have you ever wondered what happened to the 56 men who signed
the Declaration of Independence? Five signers were captured by the
British as traitors, and tortured before they died. Twelve had their
homes ransacked and burned. Two lost their sons serving in the
Revolutionary Army; another had two sons captured. Nine of the 56
fought and died from wounds or hardships of the Revolutionary War.
They signed and they pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their
sacred honor. What kind of men were they?
Twenty-four were lawyers and jurists. Eleven were merchants, nine
were farmers and large plantation owners; men of means, well educated.
But they signed the Declaration of Independence knowing full well
that the penalty would be death if they were captured. Carter Braxton
of Virginia, a wealthy planter and trader, saw his ships swept from
the seas by the British Navy. He sold his home and properties to pay
his debts, and died in rags. Thomas McKeam was so hounded by the
British that he was forced to move his family almost constantly. He
served in the Congress without pay, and his family was kept in hiding.
His possessions were taken from him,and poverty was his reward.
Vandals or soldiers looted the properties of Dillery, Hall, Clymer,
Walton, Gwinnett, Heyward, Rutledge, and Middleton. At the battle of
Yorktown, Thomas Nelson Jr, noted that the British General Cornwallis
had taken over the Nelson home for his headquarters. He quietly urged
General George Washington to open fire. The home was destroyed, and
Nelson died bankrupt. Francis Lewis had his home and properties
destroyed. The enemy jailed his wife, and she died within a few
months. John Hart was driven from his wife's bedside as she was
dying. Their 13 children fled for their lives. His fields and his
gristmill were laid to waste. For more than a year he lived in
forests and caves, returning home to find his wife dead and his
children vanished. A few weeks later he died from exhaustion and a
broken heart. Norris and Livingston suffered similar fates.
Such were the stories and sacrifices of the American Revolution.
These were not wild-eyed, rabble- rousing ruffians. They were
soft-spoken men of means and education. They had security, but they
valued liberty more. Standing tall, straight, and unwavering, they
pledged: "For the support of this declaration, with firm reliance on
the protection of the divine providence, we mutually pledge to each
other, our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor." They gave you
and me a free and independent America. The history books never told
you a lot about what happened in the Revolutionary War. We didn't
fight just the British. We were British subjects at that time and we fought our own
government! Some of us take these liberties so much for granted, but
we shouldn't. So,take a few minutes while enjoying your 4th of July
holiday and silently thank these patriots. It's not much to ask for
the price they paid. Remember: Freedom is never free! It's time we get
the word out that patriotism is NOT a sin, and the Fourth of July has
more to it than beer, picnics, and baseball games.
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom; go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you.May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen.- Samuel Adams

Monday, June 30, 2008


Today, I did my podcasting in the morning! Something different for me. "The Intenders" and "Close uP" usually are in the evening on Sunday, but you know... I just didn't feel like podcasting last night, so it was done before the sun was completely up. Tune in anytime- these podcasts can be listened to anytime on your computer or iPod, see the details here at the right---> on the blog! You can even listen to the podcasts on the blog! How cool is that! Next, I will start a vlog! FUN, FUN, FUN! Stay tuned!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Crystal Clear Colorado

This has been simply a crystal clear Colorado day! the clouds were all fluffy, the sunlight was divine, the air was fresh and the sky was blue- true blue! It has been a day to remember, a little wind, just enough to blow your hair (you wonder why you brush it). Overall, these are the days I remember as a child. Lately, with the weather changes, none of the above was observed, it has been dry, a drought lasting longer than ever, the wind blowing more than ever, not a rain cloud anywhere, the sky being a shade of purple that I have not seen before... and dusty too boot!
I love days like today, it actually gives me hope that weather changes will change back again.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Lucky Day

This seems to be a lucky day for us all. It is halfway through 2008 (from Christmas Eve, that is) and 2008 IS GREAT! We are having such a fantastic time living in this beautiful world, living between the dimensions and navigating it all very well, that we really should pat ourselves on the back and say GOOD WORK! It is truly a lucky day when we realize how lucky and blessed we are to be living in this country at this time, and most of us are old enough to know what I mean! Celebrate today! Always remember that the best is yet to come! YES it is!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Second Baby Boom?

Is there a second baby boom going on? The soldiers are coming back from Iraq, and there are pregnant wives by the time their husband go back overseas. It is all relative, but it is much like the soldiers coming back from WW2, when the first baby boom occurred! Everywhere you look, you see pregnant women and also new babies and toddlers. The USA population seems to be always increasing. The illegals account for a great increase in population which is a burden to the country, and these cannot be counted. The new babies born, however are counted, and are really booming! The maternity wards/birthing centers of the hospitals and the OB clinics are noticing the boom, as well as the baby retail stores, diaper and formula manufacturers. Is this the Boomers 2 Generation?

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Happy Summer

Solstice was yesterday~ the longest day of the year! (and shortest night of the year) Today is officially Summer!!! We are ready for the hot weather, the sunshine days and starry nights, the family reunions (like I just had), the swimming and running through sprinklers to cool off, or being at the beach to catch some rays and ocean breezes! It's ALL GOOD! ENJOY!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Off to the Rocky Mountains!

I am off to the Rockies tomorrow! Family Reunion Time! Mom, being the Matriarch of the Family, has planned a great time! Everything from lunch by the creek at the Wines of Colorado, to dinner at the ranch, to brunch at the casino in Cripple Creek, then there is hiking, singing around the campfire, sleeping in the sleeping bags or on the bunks in the lodge, stargazing without the city lights to block the spectacular view, then on Saturday...Solstice- the first day of summer-YEAAA! We just never grow up, do we? Summer is always the highlight of the year- school is out, and the fun begins! Vacation time is right around the corner!!!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Family Reunion Time

This week is Family Reunion Time in my family and families all over the country! Everyone takes time out of their busy lives and comes together for fun, food, frolic, good conversation, and just plain relaxing! It is time to catch up on all the happenings and new changes that everyone goes through. There is nothing like Family for support in the hard times and celebrations in the good times. Staying in contact seems like it would be easy in this computer, telephone, instant message era, but the plain truth is that we just don't have the time or take the time to keep in touch with each other, especially the extended family. It's hard enough to stay in touch with the immediate family with all the activities, jobs, schedules that we all have going on now. Even the retired members of the family are busy all the time- I have heard them say they don't know how they ever had time to work, when they worked! Now, THAT'S BUSY!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Fathers Day

Old as she was, she still missed her daddy sometimes. ~Gloria Naylor There's something like a line of gold thread running through a man's words when he talks to his daughter, and gradually over the years it gets to be long enough for you to pick up in your hands and weave into a cloth that feels like love itself. ~John Gregory Brown, Decorations in a Ruined Cemetery, 1994 The greatest gift I ever hadCame from God; I call him Dad!~Author Unknown Dad, your guiding hand on my shoulder will remain with me forever. ~Author Unknown "My father told me that all businessmen were sons-of-bitches, but I never believed him until now." -- John F. Kennedy "A truly rich man is one whose children run into his arms when his hands are empty." -- Unknown

Friday, June 13, 2008

Happy Friday the 13th

Friday the 13th~ one of my favorite days! Most people fear it, due to their superstitions.
The fear of Friday the 13th is called paraskavedekatriaphobia or paraskevidekatriaphobia, a specialized form of triskaidekaphobia, a phobia (fear) of the number thirteen.
Thirteen may be considered a "bad" or "unlucky" number simply because when a group of 13 objects or people is divided into two, three, four or six equal groups, there is always one leftover, or "unlucky", object or person. 13 = (1+3) = 4 = closure of our reality program or the evolution of consciousness back into light.
4 also references the number 40, given significance throughout history. Year 40 was a leap year starting on Friday of the Julian calendar.
13 is a Fibonacci Number (F7).
13 is the 6th prime number. 6 is sometimes considered an unlucky number due to its association with 666 (18=9=closure).
13 is the second Star Number.
Reality is myth, math and metaphor created by the patterns of Sacred Geometry that repeat in life's cycles called Time and Space. 12 Around 1 or 13

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The West is Sometimes Not Best

An article on today states that if you live in the west, women especially get less preventive health care. I wonder if the west has less medical care in general, or if the women are mavericks and want to take their health in their own hands, like they (we) are doing with everything else? Also, more women, and men, are being more preventive themselves, due to their insurance co-pay going up, up, up! Women are just naturally preventive, so may not need the doctor who tells them that things need to be checked so often. I don't know the entire story, but I practice preventive medicine & I know I give the best care anywhere~ and I am here in the West!

Monday, June 9, 2008

How Young are YOU?

How young do you feel? Act? Look? We are now in an age that age doesn't really matter anymore. Experience does matter, however! We can alter our age by many methods, cosmetically, as well as naturally. Using lasers, botox, hormones, herbs, supplements or just good nutrition and movement~ these are all available for our choice(s). Some still choose to eat at fast food places, drive fast cars, smoke, etc and they will pay the price. The rest of us are interested in being healthy, staying young, living longer and feeling better than ever. If you are interested in being the best you have ever been, feel free to contact me. I will be glad to work together with you to help you achieve these goals.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Going Green

With the popularity of having Green Businesses, why not go green in your home-based business? Here you have complete control over everything in your domain! In a corporation or large office, some things may go green, but you know how slow the process is to implement these things, even down to the toilet paper! In your own home-based business, in your home (castle), your car, your computer, your children and their toys, etc~ YOU are the Boss, YOU are the Top Green Banana, The Dr Green! You can BE Green to your heart's desire. Some examples include: Air Purifiers, Alternate Energy, Alternate Fuel Vehicles, Alternate Power, Cleaners, Green Composter, Dry Cleaning and Laundry, Energy Analysis, Gardens, Environmental Housing, Energy Efficient Landscape, Xeriscape, Organic Gardening, Organic Lawn Care, Recycling, Solar, Wood Pellet Stoves, and many more! Have fun with it, know that you are doing a world of good, and making the green (money) while you are being green! You and your family will be healthier, happier and wealthier!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Driving to Denver

I wish it was like Driving Miss Daisy... driving to Denver is not all it's cracked up to be! Usually quite a lot of traffic, road ragers, and potholes. Construction in some places, you get the picture- not pretty. I think it takes me an hour, however, I drive with the cruise control and speaker phone on, so the time does really fly by! Friends- call me and we'll catch up! I Love to hear from you all!

Monday, June 2, 2008


What a funny word- fatigue, not funny when you are fatigued, though. I have been doing entirely too much driving as well as working! I am fatigued (very tired) The way our country is now, this is a good time to be working, wherever it is. The gas prices are too high, but what the heck! I don't let that get to me, it would just add to the fatigue! I do what every other person in America does- grin and bear it- This too will pass! Gas always passes!!! :)

Sunday, June 1, 2008


Harmonious is a word I have now heard three times today! Time to take heed! Harmony+ I O U + Us or US! Harmony sounds like Our Money~ will we finally get our money back? Is this the impetus behind the government stimulus check? It is really Our Money anyway...

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Does anyone else feel the harmony? The pure harmony of body, mind and spirit. The spirit is moving in awesome ways at this time, the dimensions are shifting, or else we are shifting in the dimensions. The body and mind are in harmony, alert and aware. Ready and poised for anything that may come, whatever may come. Stay in tune~ no matter what is going on in the outside world, you will not be disappointed.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Snow in May

Don't you love it? Snow again in Colorado in May!! Almost June, in fact. My dear mom reminded me of the time when I came home for Christmas and it was beautiful 70 degree weather, then I came home in June and it was snowing so much they had to get the snow trucks out for clearing the roads! Nothing has really changed. The only time we don't get snow is in a drought, which was the last 6-7 years. The drought is now over! Snow is good, rain is good, even hail can be good- drought is never a good thing, not for human beings, not for animals, not for crops, not for anything! BTW- If I ever hear Gore tell us of global warming again, I will tell everyone he is a liar again! He is telling the truth, however, when he stumbles and says a Freudian slip of global warning!

Sunday, May 25, 2008


Wow! I didn't know the whirlwinds would bring on the tornados! The winds of change bring on the future! The future is now and here we are living the story... Colorado and Kansas are still reeling from the tornados- AND the winds are still blowing! Pray for those people- our fellow Coloradoans and Kansans! Some people I know are driving out there to help those people, but cannot get close because of the danger of explosions from the gas lines! This is Memorial Day, when we remember all those who have fought for our freedom, and are still doing so. Freedom is not free! It comes with a huge price- the most precious price! Celebrate Memorial Day and remember that our freedom is not free!

Thursday, May 22, 2008


What a whirlwind of a week! Now driving to the BIG city and doing some BIG things! I didn't realize I have been so cloistered these last few months! WOW is all I can say- so much is going on and being manifested, I don't even know where to start... All I can say is THANK YOU!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Blog Catalog

I have been accepted into Blog Catalog! Yes! This is quite an event for someone who only started blogging recently! Last year at this time, I really didn't even know (or care) what a blog was- now I also know what podcast, twitter and ning are! I am NOT a techie, either! Really, if I can do it- ANYONE can! Now I am also rolling on down the road to BIZ WIZ- that is right around the corner... (being a business wizard) THAT has been a challenge for me, since I have been in the sheltered, protected professional world all my life! My Dad was in the business world, and was successful and respected, so he is my example that I can follow- I just wish he was still here to guide me better- I sure miss him! And always will! Thank You, Dad!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

E Club

The E Club was great today! Saw old friends, as well as new ones! Lots of Brilliant Training on how to build our businesses! Some really awesome Networking going on too! This Saturday is the BIZ THINK TANK, which will be in depth consulting on the serious side of our business, as well as mondo networking with other, like-minded business owners! Stay tuned~ I will be there & let everyone know how it turns out!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Internet Twittering

Twitter is the new social networking site, which has really taken off worldwide! I don't have any allegiance to this type of network, but it is fun to do. You just type in a short excerpt of what you are doing, and see what others are doing as well. I am not a geek or techie at all, but I can do it- IF I CAN DO IT, ANYONE CAN! Try it for yourself:

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Divine Goddess Day

This is the day we have all been waiting for~ actually tomorrow... Mothers Day in the New Millenium means Celebrate Divine Goddess Day! I went to a fantastic Goddess Class/Workshop today given by Lisa Moeller, here at Celebration in Colorado Springs- Divine Timing! This year, Mothers Day falls on the 11th- a very important number, as Patricia Cota-Robles discusses in the following:
By Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
Wow, what a powerful time! May 11, 2008, is Mother’s Day. This is the day during which we express our deepest love and gratitude to our Mothers and to all of the Mothers throughout the world. This day will be empowered by the number eleven. Eleven is the master number that is encoded with the frequencies to change the physical into the Divine. This Mother’s Day is also Pentecost, the day celebrated by millions around the world as the Day of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is known as the Holy Comforter, the Love Nature of God, and the Feminine Aspect of Deity within every Heart Flame—our Mother God. And to top it all off, in this year of new beginnings, these events are taking place within the embrace of the two very rare Wesak Full Moons, which occur on April 20th and May 19th.
Humanity in is the midst of an unprecedented purging and cleansing. This is a natural process that must be completed prior to the physical manifestation of the New Earth. One of the most critical things that needs to occur in order for us to transform our individual and collective lives into the harmonious patterns for the New Earth, is for the Divine Feminine within every evolving soul to be given her rightful authority. With the Celestial and Earthly celebrations honoring the Divine Feminine converging on Mother’s Day, we have the opportunity for this unfolding process to move forward a quantum leap. We are being called to a higher service. Stay focused on the Light, and BE the Open Door that no one can shut for this incredible influx of our Mother God’s Transfiguring Divine Love.
I AM aware of my presence in the world, and I know I AM One with all Life.
I gently remove my attention from the outer world, and I reverently enter the Divinity of my Heart.
I breathe in deeply, and on the Holy Breath I ascend in consciousness into the Heart of my Father-Mother God.
Instantly, I AM enveloped in the embrace of my Mother God’s unfathomable Transfiguring Divine Love.
I hear the melodious tones, and I absorb the celestial fragrance of my Mother’s Divine Love. Suddenly, I feel myself soaring into higher frequencies of Love than I have ever known. I pierce into the core of purity within the Flame of Transfiguring Divine Love, and the splendor of this Sacred Fire permeates my Being.
I AM experiencing a Love and Reverence for Life beyond anything I ever dreamed possible. Divine Wisdom is awakening within my Heart, and in a flash of enlightenment I know, and fully understand, how I AM to convey this Reverence for ALL Life to the mass consciousness of Humanity. This realization is seared into my conscious mind and will now be tangibly available to me whenever I need to recall this sacred knowledge in my service to Humanity and all Life.
In deep humility and gratitude, I accept the opportunities that are being presented to me within the Heart of God, and I volunteer to be an Instrument of God for this Transfiguring Divine Love. Through my I AM Presence, I consecrate my life to be the Open Door through which the full spectrum of the Flame of Transfiguring Divine Love will now flow to bless all life on Earth.
For a sublime moment, I assimilate this experience as I breathe in and breathe out, slowly and rhythmically.
With each inbreath, I ascend higher and higher into the multifaceted, celestial frequencies of my Mother God’s Transfiguring Divine Love. And with every outbreath, I breathe this Sacred Fire forth to consecrate all life evolving on Earth.
As each Human Being evolving on Earth is consecrated with the full potential of the Flame of Transfiguring Divine Love, their I AM Presence activates specific genetic codings within their RNA/DNA structures. These codings contain the Immaculate Concept of each person’s Divine Plan. This activity of Light empowers every Beloved Son and Daughter of God to fulfill his or her Divine Purpose and reason for being.
Through this activation, the mind and emotions of every person are purified and realigned with the Harmony of their true Being. This purification paves the way for the conscious mind and the super-conscious mind within each individual to merge and become One.
In this state of at-one-ment, each person’s I AM Presence comes to the forefront and takes dominion of their life. As this occurs, the life, body, mind and soul of each person is quickened and lifted into a state of enlightenment that clears the way for the fulfillment of the Divine Plan and the manifestation of the New Earth.
And so it is.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

E Club

We had a beautiful spring day in Colorado, a little rain, a little sun, a little cold, a little wind, a little hail~ typical Colorado day! E Club met at Antonios & we had a grand time meeting new people and learning new things! Patti is a fantastic facilitator, and has good ideas! She is now promoting the BIZ ThinkTank, coming up on the 17th. This is a special event that business owners can really get together and mastermind how to grow their business! Check it out at:

Monday, May 5, 2008

Asthma & Allergy Season

This is really the beginning of asthma & allergy season- all the pollen is out, the wind is blowing and we are outside breathing it all in! There must be a better way than medicating into oblivion, which is what is on the TV commercials! They want us to believe that we can't do anything without a pill, or inhaler medication- nasal or otherwise. You CAN do something about your asthma & allergies! Tonight's podcast on Prescriptions for Health addresses just this subject, download or just listen- you might want to take notes. Happy Spring!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Sunday is Funday!

The sun is out, and so am I! Seeing my favorite son, and my only mom today~ we had brunch together. Walking my puppies by the pond, I feel the spring finally coming on! Bring it on! We are all more than ready for it! The fresh air is fabulous, I can finally leave the windows open! I found a great, dressy outfit for Mothers Day, next week~ I hardly ever dress up, so I will take full advantage of the day, since I am a Mother... and I previously shopped last week for my mom's present~ she will love it!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Saturn's Back

Saturn turns direct today~ Yea! This is my planet, which is usually the disciplinarian, but now more fun-loving! I am ready for the fun & loving~ it has been much too serious lately...
Tomorrow is Saturday, which is Saturn's day, and My day! My Day in May~ and I plan to do it My Way!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

May Day!

Happy May Day! From Fire to Ice~ that is the name of this game and seems like my story & the saga of my life right now! The fires in the mountain/canyon area were put out by the blizzard that arrived today! The smoke in the sky is replaced by clouds and snow! Not your usual May Day vision of flowers, blue skies and green grass! There is no May Pole~ only the North Pole~ and the temperature is very cold! That's Colorado for you!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Wed night

This is my Friday night! Wednesday is always my TGIF~ now that I am working out of town- the condensed week! (35 hrs/3 days) I can't wait to get back to my own business- very sane and relaxing! I help others to relax and destress- but I find that I must first help myself!! Thanks to everyone who is caring enough to tune in!! Podcasts are up~ Have fun listening!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Lucky Day

This is my lucky day! It is actually everyone's lucky day! We all need to go buy a lottery ticket or something~ so many great things happening NOW! Keep Intending! I finished 2 podcasts on (yes, 2 last night, 2 tonight~ all different!) Check them out, lots of others are~ the downloads are going uP!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Busy Weekend

Updated my BLS/HCP (Basic Life Support for Health Care Practitioners) yesterday, Intenders Circle today, then Intenders Podcast and Close uP Podcast tonight. Saw my mom, talked to my brother, went out to brunch, saw Rev Mr Ken Huard on the 2nd anniversary of his ordination (I remember it like it was yesterday) Congratulations, Ken! Then was in the hot tub, now time to get to sleep, it starts all over at 6am again with a drive to Canon City!

Friday, April 25, 2008

The big city

Just back from the big city- I was sneezing almost the entire time when I was outside, or on the interstate in traffic... Those toxins in the smog really get to me. I am really better, though- I used to have to shut all vents in the car, and just barely make it through the city, without stopping- if I stopped or opened the window, coughing, choking and various & sundry unladylike noises would ensue! I would also be miserable for hours! Ahh, allergies... luckily mine are only to the smog! I hope we can clean up this messy air that we breathe- at least do it for the children!!!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

April Showers

Where are those April Showers- the rain ones? We could use the rain & moisture! I just drove home from a place where my hot tub water is better than their drinking water! Please check out your city's water content- you will be shocked and disgusted. Tune into (or download) my podcast, Prescriptions for Health on from last week- I discuss the subject of clean water in more detail. We deserve clean water! Rain!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Just Working

I am just working~ doing what I do best~ seeing and treating patients. Helping people get well and stay well! Somehow, after 30 years or so, it gets easier! The only stress and hassle is the insurance and pharmaceutical mess, but I really don't deal with these much, so all is well! Stay well!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Full Moon in Scorpio

Full Moon, Full Life! Full moon in Scorpio~ very powerful! This is the time to make intentions and to manifest them! I intend that I have my own healing center! I also intend for my soulmate to find me! Today I saw Tony Mills, DO for a harmonizing energy session~ he is really great! He does what I do~ Energy Healing! I also bought his harmonizer to wear to protect from EMF (electro magnetic frequency) which are harmful to all life! It also clears geopathic stress & underground water stress, and neutralizes the harmful radiation. See his website for more info:

Saturday, April 19, 2008


Some of my favorites: Having lunch yesterday with my favorite son! My favorite mom coming along too! My favorite daughter staying in touch! Seeing some of my favorite friends, eating my favorite foods~ salmon, blueberry pancakes, eggs, tea, banana bread, strawberries, raspberries, cranberry almond scone, flat earth chips and crab dip... I could go on! Sunshine is always one of my favorite things, especially enjoyed in the hot tub, massage by Emilia (THE best massage therapist in the world) She helped me come back to living after a car accident! My favorite puppies~ Shante & Dante! My favorite place~ My house in Colorado! My favorite car~ The golden chariot! My favorite state of being~ Healthy! My favorite season~ NO snow!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Fire & Ice

Whew! I made it home last night in Fire & Ice! The wildfire was still smoltering, it blackened the land, came right up to the road, which was just opened after being closed down for 2 days. There was the area where the firefighter airplane crashed, lots of firemen and police at the scene, really too much for me! I raced through the area fast- it was smokey as well as snowing, sleeting and in the dusk, everything was hues of purple, shades of gray, as they say- an eerie shade of deep purple where the ice was translucent on the blackened land. I am exhausted, and so sad for the firefighter that went down in the fire- another hero! Our heros are these brave men & women who fight fire, crime & any type of spiritual darkness! They are ICONS! They are Lightworkers! Thank You ALL for all you do!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


This Colorado wildfire is a real problem! The winds are 50 MPH and raging on already hot, dry lands, the people are evacuated, but this area is a hard one to get into to fight the fire. It is a beautiful canyon area, rather remote, rugged land. The road I take to go home is closed today, I hope it is reopened tomorrow... in the meantime, the puppies & I are in the motel overnight. I can't say I am exactly enjoying my time here. Keep praying!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Almost Tax Day!

Tomorrow is the tax day for the USA! It is the day we all dread- even if we are getting refunds! This is the first year that I actually put in for an extension. It seems I am just too busy to do taxes this year. I will get a refund, in addition to the economic stimulus check, but I just can't get into the work of doing them or the dull, empty sort of sick pleasure of my money finally coming back to me after the govt uses it all year. This year, the money just doesn't do it for me. I think we all are into bigger and better things, such as raising consciousness on the planet, making a better place for our children & grandchildren, and living our lives in the best way we can...
By the way, review that video on this blog- it was made for tax day!

Sunday, April 13, 2008


Finally a sunny day! YEA!!! I soaked it up~ always need more vitamin D. Seriously, we are all vitamin D deficient, this causes depression in most people. Up north, it's called SAD- seasonal affective disorder- otherwise known as depression. The cure for SAD is: full spectrum lighting (mimics the sun) and vitamin D! Soak it up and ENJOY!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Sat on Saturday

Yes, I did! It SNOWED again! I just sat in the hot tub as long as I could! I needed to get warmed up, as well as relaxed. Did you know that warm water is one of the most healing places to be for your body, mind, spirit and emotions? Yes, it is absolutely divine on a snowy, cold day! You can meditate powerfully in the hot tub, as well! The ideas that one can have come to mind is phenomenal! I love the privacy and the power of being alone in my own hot tub! I suppose someday I will have to share it with somebody~ He better be something really special!

Friday, April 11, 2008


Today was Fryday because I have been heating up the pavement driving around doing the errand thing! Banks, Post Office, Dry Cleaning, visiting, out to lunch, out to dinner, stores, paying bills, clearing up emails, puppy patrol, etc... You get the picture- still didn't make it back to the car garage, to fix the car again, or get a massage- ran out of time! I will do that and more tomorrow...
This is getting tougher and tougher- to live in the 3rd dimension, with all it's mundane things to do all the time. I like what Patricia Cota Robles sent out yesterday: STAY FOCUSED ON THE LIGHT "During this auspicious time, the Beings of Light are consistently imploring us to stay focused on the Light. Even in the face of seeming adversity, it is vital that we use our thoughts, words, feelings and actions to empower what we want to manifest in our lives and in the world. If we focus the power of our attention on our fears and the negativity that is being pushed to the surface to be healed and transmuted into Light, we will empower and sustain the very things we are trying to eliminate on this planet. Know that with every thought, word, feeling and action you are either adding to the Light of the world or the shadows. Be cognizant of this Truth, and monitor the focus of your attention moment by moment.In order to inspire you to keep on keeping on, I would like to share with you once again how critical mass affects our ability to change our lives.REACHING CRITICAL MASS There is a phenomenon that often causes Humanity to feel frustrated and powerless when it comes to changing our lives. That phenomenon is known as reaching critical mass or, in pop-culture lingo, the tipping point.When we awaken, we begin to understand the power of our thoughts and feelings. We realize the importance of monitoring the focus of our attention and of controlling our behavior patterns. As a result of our new insight, we put forth the effort to think positively. We strive to hold our thoughts and feelings on what we want to manifest in our lives, instead of on our fears and the things we do not want in our lives. We envision Heaven on Earth, and we breathe life into our thoughtforms with positive affirmations, meditations, decrees, buoyant joy and heartfelt enthusiasm. But often, after what seems like a valiant effort, we continue to experience many of the same old problems. This unfortunate situation causes us to become discouraged and to lose faith in our ability to change our lives. At that point, we feel like our efforts are futile. That is when we decide to give up, and we stop trying to make our lives better. When we let go of our visions and our hope, we regress into our old negative thinking patterns. We start dwelling on our fears, problems and challenges instead of our goals, hopes and dreams. As a result of this tragic relapse, things get worse in our lives and our situations appear even more hopeless. Once we understand the phenomenon of reaching critical mass, it will give us the courage to persevere until our goals are accomplished. We will have the courage to stay focused on the Light, even in the face of apparent failure, which is ALWAYS an illusion.Everything is comprised of energy, vibration and consciousness. When we explore a minuscule fraction of the vast science of quantum physics, we learn that when something reaches critical mass, there is an UNSTOPPABLE SHIFT that takes place. For instance, when an electron is increasing in vibration, the moment it reaches a critical mass of the higher vibration, the entire electron ascends into the new frequency. The instant the electron reaches critical mass, nothing can prevent this unstoppable shift. Critical mass is very complex and unique to every situation, but the Company of Heaven has said that for simplicity, we can think of reaching critical mass as 51 percent of the energy, vibration and consciousness of whatever it is we are talking about. For instance, when 51 percent of an electron is vibrating at the higher frequency, the remaining 49 percent is instantly absorbed into the new vibration. Okay, so how does this facet of quantum physics affect our ability to take charge of our own lives? As we strive to improve our lives, the same laws of quantum physics apply. These are Universal Laws to which we are ALL subject. When empowering a vision or thoughtform, the moment a critical mass of energy, vibration and consciousness is reached, in alignment with our vision, nothing can stop it from manifesting. The problem is that we never know just when we are going to reach that magical moment of critical mass. There are often no outer-world signs to indicate that we are on the brink of reaching critical mass. In fact, many times it looks like we are very far away from that instant of transformation. The reason for this is that our I AM Presence is giving us the opportunity to transmute the blocks and resistance to our vision that have surfaced to be cleared out of the way. When this happens, we usually feel a little overwhelmed. We erroneously conclude that our efforts must be failing, and we just give up. The Beings of Light have said that many times we have been a breath away from reaching a critical mass of our goal. Since we did not realize that, we got discouraged and stopped working toward our life-transforming changes. Consequently, our hopes and dreams were never fulfilled.Let’s not allow that to happen this time. This is a year of new beginnings, and we have never had the magnitude of assistance from On High that we are receiving in 2008. So, in very practical terms, critical mass means that when we are striving to create prosperity in our lives, the moment our thoughts, words, actions and feelings are vibrating with a critical mass of prosperity consciousness instead of poverty consciousness, our life circumstances will shift, and we will experience prosperity. The moment a critical mass of our energy is aligned with self-esteem and love, we will magnetize positive relationships into our lives. The moment a critical mass of our energy is aligned with peace, harmony and balance, we will manifest those Divine Qualities tangibly in our life experiences.The key to our success is that we must keep on keeping on even in the face of adversity. It is vital for us to understand that the Light of God is infinitely more powerful than any fragmented human miscreation we may have inadvertently created. Poverty has no power over the Abundance of God. Our Divine Potential is infinitely more powerful than disease, failure, dysfunctional relationships, hatred, greed, corruption, war or any of the other humanly-created maladies appearing on the screen of Life.As long as we stay focused on the Light and consecrate our energy to empower only the positive experiences we want to create in our lives and in the world, we will manifest our visions and dreams faster than we can possibly imagine. Whatever you do, do not give up!This information is being given to us by the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth during this critical moment on Earth to help us remember that if we do not like what is happening in our lives, we have the option to do something about it. This is true for each of us individually, and it is true for all of us collectively as a global family. We do not have to believe in the various Universal Laws in order to exist on Earth, but since we are ALL subject to them, it is just common sense for us to try to accept them. We do not have to believe that every single thought, word, action and feeling we have will go out and affect the world and then return to us to affect our personal lives, but this is happening scientifically, to the letter, in spite of any disbelief we may have. It is important that we put things back into perspective and accept responsibility for turning our lives around. When we deliberately focus on transforming our lives and cocreating Heaven on Earth, our efforts are empowered by the unfathomable Light of our I AM Presence. Then, if we invoke the assistance of the entire Company of Heaven to intercede on our behalf, our success is assured."

Thursday, April 10, 2008


Today was the Entrepreneur Club day! We had a great time at Antonios (with great food as well!) All the Entrepreneurs were helpful to each other with their business and fabulous ideas came out of the good energy! This is what Napoleon Hill calls the Mastermind Group! Everyone seems to be really enjoying boosting their businesses! It is a great alternative to all the pink slips which is all corporate America is handing out these days...

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

April Showers

April Showers~ SNOW showers, that is! Oh how lovely to watch the snow come down, however, this could turn into a blizzard~ oh joy!! More shoveling, just what every girl looks forward to, especially after working so hard at shoveling all winter! Just stay home and listen to the make up podcasts, which I will do tonight on First, I will do some traveling and some networking at ANEW (A Network of Exceptional Women)

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

New Moon

This Aries new moon is well into it's reign. Are you feeling it? Lots of powerful energy coming our way! My favorite daughter had her birthday, as well as many other really powerful people. The moon is building, so watch for all wishes to come true, long held desires manifesting and going for the GOLD! I am serious!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

New Moon~ Aries

This is a new moon in Aries! Fire sign and powerful! Time for the 'dearest to your heart' intentions~ because these will manifest NOW! We are in a time of fast action on the thoughts we think, so... think great thoughts, positive and powerful as well as full of meaning for yourself and ALL of US!

Friday, April 4, 2008

Fast Week

WOW! What a fast week that was! I didn't know if I was coming or going... I am going to Canon City for part of the week to fill in at a wonderful Family Practice- just a small town medical clinic, but really nice people! Since I was ON LOCATION, I didn't have much time to blog or even podcast this last week. I apologize for that, and I hope to be able to have time this coming week to catch up with all of the above! I did go to the new location, Antonio's, for the Entrepreneur Club, and it is a good fit for the EC, so all is well.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

March Madness?

March Madness? Yes, it is, and I am not talking about sports! The squeeze is on to finish up the taxes, especially since we can now get an economic stimulus check from the gov of at least $600 just for filing the tax forms! Then there was the Easter shopping season! My shopping list mainly consisted of Chocolate! Then, it is almost the end of the first quarter of this year- already! That is really a wake up call... Keep Praying!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Springtime in the Rockies!

Snow, Snow, Snow! That is Springtime in the Rockies! Someday, we will really get the Green growing, but for now, it is all White! Perfect for easter egg hunting, as long as the eggs are colored, that is. Such a short time until Easter now, just a few hours. Time to reflect on the meaning- from Good Friday through Easter Sunday- 3 very Sacred & Holy days, and The Man who was dead for 3 days and what that means to us...
You will hear the sermon tomorrow at your church of choice, so it is enough now to just reflect on this Great Act of Love from God's Son.

Friday, March 21, 2008

This Week- Era of Peace

A Critical Time for the USA and Mother Earth-by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles This is an incredibly powerful week. We began with Palm Sunday, and we celebrated St. Patrick's Day. Now we will experience the Vernal Equinox, the Full Moon, Passover, Good Friday and Easter Sunday. Whenever there are so many opportunities for Humanity to pause for a moment and focus on God, and the various Spiritual Activities of Light taking place all over the world, the collective Cup of Humanity's Consciousness creates a tremendous portal through which the Light of God will flow to assist us all in our process of transformation. This week is unusually active and our opportunity to add to the Light of the world is being greatly increased. From every Being of Light in the Realms of Truth, Humanity is being guided to focus the power of our attention on the vision of the New Earth in all her resplendent glory. In spite of the saber rattling and war drums we are being bombarded with by the media, every credible Lightworker is gently turning his or her attention to the mission of cocreating Heaven On Mother Earth…HOME. This is our purpose and reason for being, and it is why we volunteered to be on Earth during this Cosmic Moment. We have been training for aeons of time for this mission. Within our hearts, we have all of the wisdom, strength, skill, courage and trust we need to succeed God Victoriously. Our responsibility now is to utilize our training. We must monitor our thoughts, words, feelings and actions daily and hourly to be sure we are empowering only the patterns of Heaven on Earth instead of the fragmented, fear­based thoughtforms that are being pushed to the surface all over the planet to be healed and transmuted back into Light. Every world religion has taught us, in one way or another, that we are responsible for the circumstances occurring in our lives. What we send out through our thoughts, words, actions and feelings returns to us. This is true whether we are focusing our attention on hate or love, poverty or abundance, disease or health, war or peace. There is a grassroots awakening taking place, and literally millions of people all over the world are genuinely striving to create lives of joy, peace, abundance, health and comfort for themselves and their loved ones. The vast majority of the six and one-half billion people evolving on Earth want the same thing. They want to know that their families are safe and that they can provide food, shelter, security, health care, education and comfort for their loved ones. The majority of people sincerely care about other people, and they want the best for Humanity and all Life evolving on Earth. Most people truly desire to create a lifestyle that not only supports their basic needs but honors the Earth as well. The people who are willing to deprive others of their livelihood, security, prosperity, health, peace and safety for their own selfish desires are a small minority. Those who are willing to kill people and destroy the Earth for the sake of power and money are also a mere fraction of Humanity. It will help immensely if we all invoke the Flame of Transfiguring Divine Love pulsating in every person's heart, and ask the Divine Intelligence within that Sacred Flame to reveal the distortion and corruption in their thinking process that allows them to justify harming another part of Life for their own selfish gains. If, moment to moment, we focus the power of our attention on the New Earth and all that means to us in the way of love, peace, harmony, joy, happiness, abundance, health, beauty, limitless physical perfection, fulfillment, spiritual growth, enlightenment, wonder and awe, we will victoriously cocreate . . . Heaven On Mother Earth-HOME.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Almost Spring!

Everywhere you look, there are signs of Spring! GREEN sprouting up everywhere! The snow has been getting wetter and heavier, so all the GREEN gets enough water. OK, so it is time for the GREEN to sprout up in our businesses! Grow your business in 2008! Learn about marketing and selling yourself and your products & services. Be an entrepreneur! This is the year to be in your own business! Anyone who is creative, has brilliant ideas and is self-motivated can make it in any market, in any economic time & place, no matter if the market is up or down! Check out The Entrepreneur Club @

Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St Patrick's Day

This day is all about the GREEN! Manifesting the green, the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, finding a four leaf clover~ Shamrock, or just spending the GREEN! Everyone is Irish today, everyone who wears the green is family! Just like everyone who wears red, white and blue on July 4th is family! (At least here in the USA) This is also a Lucky 17 Day! 1+7=8 which is always prosperity, wealth and GREENBACKS!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Snow Again!

Snowed in again! Cancelled Intenders Circle, but tune in for The Intenders Podcast tonight @ 9:30 MST/11:30 EST on ~ Or you can go to my blog for the Intenders Podcast info~ it is the 3rd Podcast down the margin~ (with a new, updated look!) Tonight we are Intending for LOVE! Happy Intending!
*Update on my Podcasts:
1. Prescriptions for Health is about leading edge ways to be healthy, stay healthy or even regain your health. Learn quantum leaps to optimum health & wellness, living younger longer, and the anti-aging lifestyle to your longevity! CALL: (724) 444-7444 Talkcast ID: 56612 Tuesday @ 11:30 EST, 9:30 MST 2. Living Younger Longer & Having Energy is about Youngevity & ACT Energy Drink (Advanced Cell Therapy) and other interesting ways to be healthy! For everyone wanting MORE out of their life- to feel younger, to live longer, to be energetic! CALL: (724) 444-7444 Talkcast ID: 75682 Tuesday @ 11:59 EST, 9:59 MST 3. The Intenders of the Highest Good is a very special worldwide community for very special people. If you're choosing to walk the path of empowerment, you need to get good at making your intentions, letting them go, and then taking action when opportunities present themselves. ( The Code- Tony Burroughs, cocreator of The Intenders) Be an Intender for Prosperity and Abundance for YOUR Highest Good! CALL: (724) 444-7444 Talkcast ID: 11157 Sunday @ 11:30 EST, 9:30 MST

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Spring Forward

This New Moon was a doozy! Still reeling from the effects of it, and will be for 2 weeks! Lets remember to SPRING FORWARD tonight! Don't you love it? Another reason to lose some more sleep!!! One less precious hour of sleep... I will have to make it up some other way!

Friday, February 29, 2008

What a Difference

What a difference a day makes! What a difference a new set of men make! I went to a high school reunion meeting at a restaurant with 4 men from my high school. These are real men! They never forgot their manners, were chivalrous, courteous, and were completely opposite the previous dinner partners mentioned in this blog yesterday! I couldn't believe it~ but really I could believe it, because these men were raised right~ born or bred (or both) by caring parents who really taught the fine art of BEING A MAN & how to respect a lady. My friend, Kathy and I both were treated well, without us doing or saying anything. It is normal for these men to see us as their equals and act accordingly. What a relief!!! Thanks, Guys!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Men ARE from Mars

I sat at a table with all men tonight, at a dinner conference (only one other lady~ my friend & fellow PA, Pat) The table sat 10, so there were 8 men. I was looking forward to meeting the men I didn't know and catching up with the ones I have known for years. They served themselves first, didn't ask if the ladies wanted salad dressing, cream for coffee, butter for bread, etc... One even left the table and sat at another table with all men! (His place was filled again with another man.) They also talked "man talk" among each other, never introducing themselves! They truly acted as if we were not even there! We spoke with them, introduced ourselves nicely, they just turned again to each other! Who raised these guys? Their mother and father sure did a poor job! I do blame the parents because this is where we all learn our first manners, we also learn our first dysfunctions, codependencies, obsessions, compulsions, rudeness and downright craziness. I understand that men need their "space" but they came to this function, why can't they be social, or even just a little polite? Do they really despise the ladies so much that they will go to every length to avoid/ignore them? My friend and I are nice-looking, kindhearted, well-groomed, professional ladies and even single!!! But that is not the point- the point is that a lady deserves respect~ where is it? Do men really want to be "tribal" as I have heard lately? When did this start? I grew up with 3 brothers and a dad, lots of uncles and male cousins~ they all knew how to treat a lady, and be as equals...

Monday, February 25, 2008

Monday Madness

Today was just madness! My entire schedule was tossed out the window, and something new was in it's place! Nothing ended up as it was planned, but everything turned out well after all! Just another reminder that nothing is as it seems these days... keep praying.
My beautiful, favorite daughter is moving to the east coast later this week, and I miss her already! We had dinner together tonight, but this doesn't seem like enough~ I want her to stay! I know she wants to go and experience "other places" and it is only natural, but I still don't have to like it!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

WOW- What a week!

WOW! This week went fast! With the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse~ (wasn't it beautiful?) this week was very special! I made my Circles, missed my Podcasts, modified my Life, met for networking, might have blogged, but was too tired, manifested my dreams, & made time for MEN! (There they are!) Played the Game yesterday (Experience the Game) and was amazed at the outcome of the game, as well as the week! Well, tonight, I caught up on the podcasts~ ALL 3 of them! Maybe, I will catch up on my life, if I stay on this course...

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Great Intending

Tonight was The Intenders of the Highest Good Circle meeting at my office, then later, The Intenders Podcast. We had some Great Intending, great people and great networking as well. I am continually impressed with the depth of vision that people have for the world! They have really empowered themselves to invision and bring forth the best of their intentions! Happy Intending!

Friday, February 15, 2008

E Club Business Networking

E Club Business Networking was working tonight at the Business After Hours! New contacts for business were made, as well as new friends! Old friends showed up too! More Entrepreneur Club tomorrow too! See all the buzz about biz at! You'll be glad you did! TGIF!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentines Day

Happy Valentines Day! I sent my children ecards today, received a call from my mom~ before I could call her, had a SPArty to pamper some ladies, networked a bit, had a brief outing with the girls to listen to some music, then back on the phone with some more ladies! Where's all the MEN? My friend says men are from Mars- Men Are Real Stupid! They must also be invisible these days! I used to receive roses from Secret Admirers, candy from outright admirers, flowers from appreciative admirers, fancy gifts from ostentatious admirers, cards from low key admirers~ not to mention hugs, kisses, winks and high fives from friendly admirers~ ALL MEN! Real Men treat a Real Lady Real Well (according to my dad) HE was a REAL MAN! Any more out there???

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Great Intending Day

This has been a great intending day! The Intenders of the Highest Good met tonight and had a wonderful time, then The Intenders Podcast just kept right on intending: the mantra- I pay my bills with ease & I always have extra money! We are Mighty Manifesters! We are Money Magnets! We are the Best of the Best! We are getting what we want every day in every way! Keep up the good work! Happy Intending!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

New Moon, Solar Eclipse

What a Fantastic Day! A New Moon AND Solar Eclipse on the Chinese New Year! A number 1 Year in the Year of the Rat, a number 1 Animal! Add to this the Month of Aquarius in the Age of Aquarius, in the Month of LOVE and we have a Winning combination~ WIN/WIN & WIN! Oh, and by the way~ Dr Ron Paul is the ONLY Presidential Candidate who is a number 1 in this number 1 year! This 1 year is the year of Entrepreneurs, Adventurers & Pioneers! This day is very lucky today, and the shining gold dust doesn't settle for 6 months! Get ready for a Lovely Time of your life! I AM!

Monday, February 4, 2008

The month of LOVE

February~ the traditional month of love. Valentines Day is 10 days away, time to light our fire and buy some chocolate for our loves! We hosted another SPArty on Saturday, then had an awesome Intenders Circle on Sunday, seems like the love month really works! Venus moved into the planetary line up just in time for things to really happen... LOVE, LOVE, LOVE! Let the manifestation of abundance and love begin!

Friday, February 1, 2008


Yes, it WAS exciting! I went to a VIP lunch with Ron Paul today because of a VIP in my office building! Dr James Maguire was responsible for this connection~ Thanks James! I am really honored to meet the next President of the United States of America. We met some really wonderful people, some Great Americans! Alot of young people were there, I see that they are so interested in our country's future~ it almost reminds me of the 60's... Dr Ron Paul is a US Congressman with strong experience and stronger resolve! Check out his Prescription for Prosperity~ economic revitalization plan on his website:

Thursday, January 31, 2008


It's SPArty time! Lisa Moore & I are the Youngevity Makeover Diva's! We had 6 ladies over and SPOILED them~ Thats why we call it a SPArty (SPA party)! We did massages, foot baths with scented bath salts, mineral makeup makeovers, and in general, just relaxed and had a great time! We networked virtually all day, and the last two days too! Entrepreneur Club on Tuesday at the Bona Dea Teahouse, then on Wednesday at the Cucuru gallery cafe, today at Tomo Sushi for Secret Sushi (women only)
I can't wait until tomorrow! VIP lunch with our next pres!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Have you ever used a whiteboard to write your goals on? They can be used to teach, and to learn... I have used these types of whiteboards to teach many things to others, now it is my turn to learn. When I wrote out my list of "to do's" I wasn't just looking at them, suddenly~ the "to do's" were looking at ME! I put it in plain sight near the computer, so they are actually looking at me, as if to say: "When are you going to complete these things?" Then, a funny thing happened... the longer I pondered them, the easier they appeared! Then, as if they said "I told you so" I realized, these things on my "to do" list were so easy, they are already nearly completed & waiting to be erased, to start over with new goals. First, I will cross them off the list, before erasing, just to have the sweet satisfaction of a job well done! I am learning...