Thursday, October 30, 2008

October Almost Over

This October has been a nightmare for most, when all things are considered, such as the economy, stock market, wall street, campaigns and candidates, media propaganda, and political agendas. One more day to go, then we will escape and look back on the worst October since the Wall Street Crash, 10-29-29 which was the start of The Great Depression in the 1930's
On the lighter side, literally THE LIGHT is shining through it all and will expose everything dark, and we will be seeing with enlightened eyes and minds! Stay Tuned...

Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Week is ON

The week is on again, the race is on to get everything done! A lot is on my plate, as well as on everyone's plate! Lets go for it and get it on! Get it done! Already it is later than we think... and I don't mean by the calendar... Oh, and get out and VOTE! It is painless, it is our duty and it is our privilege, and we earned the FREEDOM and responsibility to cast our vote~ let's DO IT! VOTE!

Thursday, October 23, 2008


Snow has arrived here in Colorado- too soon! I know it is time by the calendar, but it is not time by my inner compass! I know I am not the only one either! The fall has only begun! Give fall a chance... after all we have all winter to deal with the snow again!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Weekend Over!

This weekend is now over... I wish these weekends could go on forever, and ever, and ever... What a beautiful fall weekend! Yellow and golden leaves everywhere, the trees are glowing! Back to working tomorrow. Ah yes, work. Stay the course. Enjoy the autumn while working!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Moving Forward

The popular term, moving forward and going forward now goes forward! Mercury goes direct~ forward today-YEAH! Now we can all move forward without the 2 steps forward, and 1 step back (or is it 1 step forward and 2 steps back...?) Everything is easier when Mercury is moving forward, better communication, relations and more LOVE! Lets keep the ball rolling and moving forward by being easier to get along with, easier to talk to, easy to be with, and more loving, of course!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Inspire Each Other!

Lets inspire each other, not bring each other down. The world seems to be a more difficult place these days, so we need to be a community and come together in love and caring. We always have the freedom to choose our emotions, feelings and responses to anything "out there", lets choose wisely and be respectful and compassionate, with generosity and random acts of kindness to each other~ our family, friends and associates. And, we can have good natured and clean fun inspiring each other! The whole world needs us, and we need the world, it is a symbiotic relationship! Fun, fun, fun...

Saturday, October 11, 2008

How Low Will It Go?

How low will the stock market go? Yesterday was known as the new Black Friday. It could have been worse, and still could be... stay tuned for next week. What are we doing to help? How are we all coping right now? Less of this and more of that, usually less shopping and more free activities, but what about important things like food? Less of that too? The surveys say yes, we now are even cutting back on our food. What about living, should we cut back on that too? We do need food to live... Keep praying for a solution that we all can live well with!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Back to the Future

Are we going through a shift or are we going back to the future? Are we now in a magnetic reversal? Whatever it is, it is sure different! There are unprecedented events happening at this time, financial events being the least of our worries, even though most of us are fixated on the financial picture now. What to do? Prepare. Plan. Protect. Persist. Prosper.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Do You Believe in Miracles?

OK, I know the economy isn't good, but do you believe in miracles? I do, and I always have! In fact, I am a living, breathing, walking miracle myself. The miracle is always Life! The miracle of Life is always Love. I know this sounds like fluff, but it is an universal, immutable law. If you have enough love in your life, and in yourself, then you can do or be anything! If you intend, then the universe answers! If you superintend, then the universe is lying at your feet, literally kissing your feet... asking to be of service to you! I bet you didn't think you were so important! NOW do you believe in miracles?

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Rain~ I'm Loving it!

In Colorado, when it rains, it is simply DIVINE! It has been raining on and off most of the day, just little light rain, with some light clouds, light thunder and lightning~ nothing too heavy, but much needed! The smell of rain is clearing my mind and spirit! This aromatherapy works! No matter what happens in the world, rain will always come and be refreshing to the very soul of us all! Thank God for the rain! If we didn't have the rain, we wouldn't appreciate the sun! If we didn't have the drought, we wouldn't be so grateful for the rain!
BTW~ The Intenders Circle has been cancelled today, because I was planning to be out of town, but The Intenders Podcast will go on! It is @ 11:30 EST, 9:30 MST at, or call 724 444 7444, ID#11157 (see the podcasts on the right of this post)

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

A New October

This is the beginning of a New October. Is it going to be a repeat of the October 29, 1929 Wall Street Crash? I think not. Even though the market is down, the economy is flat, the prices are up, the jobs are tight, there is still some kind of light shining through it all. Keep the faith, it is time to be ALL AMERICAN! Be an Awesome American!