Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Advice from The Elders

There is more research from Priceless Legacy, a company that turns interviews with older adults (elders) into life stories in print or video format. An analysis of its projects shows that the top five life lessons shared by people ages 65 to 104 are:

1. The simple things matter most.
2. Humor and time cure most pains.
3. There's more satisfaction in giving than getting. Service to others is the most satisfying activity.
4. Choose your spouse carefully. It will be your most important decision.
5. Work hard and in a field or role that you enjoy.

My Dad would add: Plant things that will last longer than you, to give back to your Mother~Earth.

Beautiful Solar Eclipse

Solar Eclipse

I love these pictures of the Solar Eclipse on 7-22-9 taken over the Far East, where it was fully visible!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

From Good into Great

“The important thing is this- to be able at any moment to sacrifice what we are, for what we can become.” Charles DuBois
A Special Mentor of mine paraphrased this as choosing the Great over the Good. Yes, I have a good life, but every minute of every day, I am willing to give up the good life for the great life! Into Great~ this is my motto, M.O. and philosophy! This is distictively different from being rich & famous, well known or even a celebrity~ all of which I am NOT! To be GREAT is to be a servant of ALL, to be a light in the dark, to be a beacon to the lost, helping all who need it and LOVING IT!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


At 1:23 and 4:56 on 7-8-9, numerology will not be repeated like this in one day for over one thousand years!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse

7-7-9 is the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn

Friday, July 3, 2009

Intenders On The Road With The Code Workshop with Aaron Jacobson

Well, another wonderful workshop of The Intenders of The Highest Good! On the Road With The Code this last week was Aaron Jacobson playing his Songs of the Aquarian Age as well as presenting his workbook on The Code, 10 Intentions for a Better World! The book, written by Tony Burroughs is great- Aaron's workbook really brings home the fine points of The Code to use in everyday life. His songs are AWESOME! His voice is MESMERIZING! He is INSPIRING! A Very Special Spirit, with a very Special Gift! Check out his website at http://www.aquariansongs.com/