Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Summer Solstice

Tonight is Summer Solstice! The next 90 days (13 weeks) will be the manifestation of your dreams or the consequences of your actions! Depending on your state of being these last 90 days... you have already made the choice.

Tonight is the shortest night of the year, longest day of the year- in the northern hemisphere. It is exactly opposite in the southern hemisphere. This relates directly to the opposite hemispheres in our brain- totally balanced today!

To the Native Americans the solstice is the marriage of the Sky and the Earth. A festival of light. Bonfires are lit to celebrate the Sun at its height of power and to ask the Sun not to withdraw into darkness. It is time to reflect on the growth of the year. Seeds planted in the Earth as well as within our own our souls.

Whatever you dream tonight will come true! See what happens...

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day

Laurie Grant wishes Happy Father's Day to all the fathers who lovingly raise children like a well tended flower garden, not just letting them grow up like a patch of weeds!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Full Moon, Lunar Eclipse

"The longest lunar eclipse in more than a decade turned the moon blood red, yielding a rare visual treat for stargazers across a large swathe of the planet from Australia to Europe" Physorg.com
It was a great BIG yellow full moon seen from the USA- beautiful!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Eclipse Eve

This is the Eclipse Eve of the 2nd eclipse in the trio of eclipses of this summer. The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. Now we pay closer attention to our dreams, sleeping as well as waking. What are waking dreams? The ones that wake us up to feel inspired suddenly out of the blue. Eclipses do that- suddenly change things, inspire ideas, spark the fire into life- our life! As most Lunar Eclipses, this one clears things out of our lives, and clears up ambiguity- especially in our past (Moon). Then, this new opening can automatically attract ideal circumstances, people, employment and many other things so that we can develop better skills to help us deal with the next eclipse of the sun!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

New Moon Solar Eclipse

This is the New Moon, Solar Eclipse in Gemini. It is a time of fresh, new inspiration, new seeding of ideas while enjoying the ageless, timeless part of our Divinity. A time to be in peaceful balance, out with the old, in with the new-balanced with make new friends, but keep the old, one is silver and the other is gold.