Since I am intimately involved in this ongoing struggle between medicine and metaphysics, science and spirituality, being a medical professional, as well as having a passion for all of the above, I love this by Lynn Hayes in her blog, Astrological Musings:
"Chiron in Pisces: The Healing of Medicine"
It’s unusual to find an established medical professional talking about the supernatural and healing powers, but it coincides perfectly with the entry of Chiron into Pisces. At a time when the field of medicine is spiritually bankrupt and desperately in need of an overhaul, perhaps this infusion of spiritual awareness into the way we think about our physical bodies is emblematic of what Chiron in Pisces has to offer.
I like to think of Chiron as the “Soul Healer” rather than the wounded healer – Chiron is instrumental in helping to clear the emotional and physical wounds that we bring into this life so that the soul can progress. Chiron presides over the body/mind/spirit connection – the triad of influences that come together to make up the Human Being. Physical health alone is not sufficient to provide balance – the mind and spirit must also be well integrated in order to achieve optimum health.
Chiron was in Pisces in the late 1960s when Elisabeth Kubler Ross was waking up the medical establishment to a new sensitivity of death and the process of dying. Her book On Death and Dying was published in 1969 as Chiron was completing its passage through Pisces and helped to popularize the hospice care movement.
All of the talk today about health care reform is more about how to pay for health care than how to actually reform the health care system...
With Chiron in Pisces for the next nine years or so, the last stage of healing occurs at the soul level. This process began last year with the conjunction of Chiron and Neptune, the ruler of Pisces. Under this combination many of us were intensely aware of the longings of the soul within. Memories of past loves; mourning for those we’ve lost — all took on a more profound meaning as the doorway to the soul opened under Neptune’s guidance so that the healing of Chiron could begin to do its work. The Chironic healing process involves going back to the core wounds and exposing them to the air so that they can become healed. It’s not an easy process and requires a fair amount of courage, but when the healing is complete we gain a level of wisdom and cellular integration that is not otherwise possible.
While Chiron travels through Pisces there is a danger of falling into Piscean illusion which we often attempt as a shortcut on the way to spiritual bliss. Because of the tendency of Pisces to seek martyrdom and sacrifice, there is the danger of becoming lost IN the pain during the Chironic healing process rather than going THROUGH the pain as required. The Neptunian influence of Pisces tends to blur the boundaries of our relationships with others, so another danger of Chiron’s trip through Pisces is that of a codependent process of healing others rather than ourselves. Chiron represents the wound that we carry with us throughout our life – it never leaves us, which makes it tempting to try to heal the wounds of others instead. This kind of transference is not only ineffective, it can be dangerous and pollutes our relationships while preventing the soul integration that is necessary for our own healing. If we are careful not to get lost in the glamour that makes up the realm of Pisces and Neptune, there is tremendous potential during the Chiron trip through Pisces for a growing spiritual awareness and an integration of Universal consciousness into our own beings. This is the process that will carry us through any stress that results in the Cardinal alignments coming up over the next three years.
As our world shifts and changes around us, Chiron continues to facilitate the growing conversation between our inner Selves and the person that we think we are, enhancing our own experience of wholeness and, ultimately, bliss.
Bliss is not easily won in our physical world. The letting go of our individuality so that we can become reborn in the ecstasy of the divine is the lesson of Pisces, and in order to facilitate this transition we must release the individuality of Aquarius. Each sign of the zodiac leads into the next, and in this way we evolve in cycles through each turn of the wheel. This trip of Chiron through Pisces will coincide with the great social and global political clashes of Pluto in Capricorn and Uranus in Aries, suggesting that healing (Chiron) will come to us individually through a greater inward focus and attention to the spiritual side of life, a world that lies beyond the material plane. Because this is Chiron, though, in order to walk through the Piscean mists that keepus from our ultimate bliss, we must continue our healing journey and release any blocked energy from our wounded places that are holding us back so that we can move more easily into the bliss of ultimate Oneness.
Lynn, I salute you and Thank You!
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