Saturday, March 26, 2011

Taxes, Manifesting Matrix & More

All of us in the USA are involved in doing our taxes at this time of year. I am doing mine, are you? We are all trying to beat the deadline of April 15! After taxes are done, breathe a sigh of relief, and then move on to planning for the next financial cycle. I then put all the upcoming financial obligations, desires and rewards into a Money Matrix for the next year. The Law of Manifestation is VITAL to the success of each year! This year, for the 1st time, I am sharing this Manifesting Money Matrix in a Special Seminar on April 19, (AFTER that tax deadline).

Here are some highlights of the Seminar:

*Learn Manifesting and make YOUR dreams happen!

* Make YOUR own Menu for Mighty Manifesting!

What is YOUR desire? A New Home, New Car, College Education, Children, Vacations, Start Up Business, Retirement, Health, Wealth, Love, The Sky is the Limit...

*Learn the 4 simple steps of Manifestation*

*Learn how the Law of Manifestation works in YOUR life*

*Learn how to focus YOUR mind in the right direction*

*Learn the blueprint to build YOUR Money Matrix*

Stay tuned and Become a Mighty Manifester!

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