Sunday, May 20, 2012

New Moon Solar Eclipse

This is the rare May 20, 2012 Annular Solar Eclipse with the Pleiades on a Mayan Day of No Shadows that opens a two week eclipse window ending with the partial Lunar Eclipse on June 4 followed the next day by the June 5 Venus Transit over the Sun (visible in the western United States and Hawaii) a special event that will not happen again for 105 years!

This is an annular solar eclipse, when the moon and sun align today, creating a "ring of fire" around the moon because of the sun being the larger size, also called ring of fire because it is literally in the pacific ring of fire area. Astronomers say that today's (May 20) solar eclipse will be the best the United States has seen since 1992. "The moon is going to cover 80 or 90 percent of the sun for all of the middle and western United States," Dr. Douglas Duncan, Director of Fiske Planetarium at the University of Colorado, Boulder said in a video about the event on his blog. Colorado is not in direct alignment with this celestial event, as best views are in Northern California, Nevada, Southern Utah, Northern Arizona and New Mexico, still, Colorado's southwest corner should get a pretty good view, take a look at this map for the solar eclipse's path over the United States or this NASA built map showing the path of the annular solar eclipse and where it is viewable across the globe.
(Great time for Intending at The Intenders Of The Highest Good Circle tonight!) Happy Intending!
It will still be stunning to see in the rest of Colorado. Here is today's Eclipse/Intending schedule:
6:23 p.m.: Eclipse begins (Intending begins)
7:30 p.m.: Maximum eclipse (Intending maxed)
7:50 p.m.: Sunset (Intending finished)

An Alignment of Our Earth, the Moon, the Sun, and beyond the Milky Way in the center of the Galaxy, The Pleiades occurs today on May 20, 2012


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