Tuesday, January 6, 2009


January 6 - Epiphany By Lynn Jericho
An epiphany is a revelation. Something new and vital has come to consciousness.In the Christian festivals, Epiphany celebrates the coming of the Three Kings or Magi. It falls on January 6th. The Epiphany that follows Inner Christmas and the Twelve Holy Nights lasts throughout the year.Each of the Twelve Inner Christmas messages was written to initiate an epiphany in your consciousness. Each begins a process in your soul and as you let the process unfold some unexpected insight, release, healing, liberation, or transformation occurs. This unfolding may occur immediately or may take days, weeks or months to appear. Remember the Three Magi and their long and patient journey following the Star. You will find your way to the manger in your soul and the manifestation of wonder and wisdom.Here are the twelve needs. I’ve put them in three categories for Three King’s Day.
The Four MirrorsYou need all four reflections to have a deep sense of who you are.
NatureDivinity Others Self
The Four StatesYou need to maintain all four states to have a clear, creative and productive soul life.
CalmArousal Grief Beginnings
The Four PerspectivesBuilding imaginations from these perspectives bringshealth and freedom into your soul.
BoxesBalloonsSelf-ParodyTree Image
I must laugh at this list because it is so different from what I had written down as possible topics before Inner Christmas began. I was surprised by the messages as I wrote them. After doing this for five years, I truly trust this spiritually inspired process.
After the Holy NightsWhat happens to our souls when the Holy Nights come to an end? Do the veils between human souls and the Spiritual World begin to thicken again?Yes, the veils begin to slowly thicken as earthly light grows. It is not a curtain quickly closing, just a gentle fading into slightly blurry shadows. It is not that we are less spiritual, or less connected to the Spiritual World, rather it is the graceful and creative cycle of our soul's attention through the Inner Year. Our renewed and re-purposed souls begin to refocus on the sensory world and our journey as earthly beings.But after the experience of the Twelve Holy Nights, we see ourselves more clearly. We feel our relationships more dearly. Our ability to engage with our inner lives and our outer lives is stronger. We have evolved, grown, developed.Remember to revisit the twelve messages of Inner Christmas 2008 throughout the year. Read them with wonder and new wisdom will appear.
The Inner YearEach year our souls’ earthly journey offers way stations for rest, contemplation and inspiration. These are the seasonal and spiritual (or religious) festivals throughout the year. They create the rhythms and gifts of our Inner Year.In the First Holy Night we looked at the mirror of nature. We can think of the seasons of the soul reflecting the seasons of the year- Inner Winter, Inner Spring, Inner Summer, and Inner Autumn. Or imagine the cycle of an apple tree - in the deep dark and cold of Inner Winter, the activity in the roots of our soul trees is very intense. We are gather the spiritual warmth and astral forces to put forth our budding thoughts, feelings and deeds this Inner Spring.In a few days, I will write again and share with you the ways I will support your journey through the Inner Year.Meanwhile, thank you so much for celebrating Inner Christmas, for your thoughtful comments, and for your generous donations. I do believe the Spiritual World delights in our work together.I wish you a rich and fulfilling Inner 2009, abundant with meaning, miracles and mysteries.
Posted by Lynn Jericho at 3:14 PM
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Create Your Own Inner Christmas Journal
Select and copy the text of the message to your text program. Make any changes to the font for your reading comfort. Create an Inner Christmas 2008 folder on your desktop.You can then use the message as a journal by inserting your own thoughts, responding to the questions, or adding questions of your own.Also you can insert lots of blank space after each thought, paragraph or question for your writing; print the document; write your thoughts in the blank spaces; and keep all the messages in a binder.I encourage you to return to the messages throughout the year to deepen your understanding of your soul and the ways you meet your soul's needs.

Inner Christmas Links
Lynn's Website
Inner Christmas Website
Celebrate Christmas! Celebrate You! Book
the Inner Year Blog

The Messages
2008 (8)
December (8)
Dec 24 (1)
December 25 - The First Holy Night - The Need for ...
Dec 25 (1)
December 26 - The Second Holy Night - The Need for...
Dec 26 (1)
December 27 - The Third Holy Night - The Need for ...
Dec 27 (1)
December 28 - The Fourth Holy Night - The Need for...
Dec 28 (1)
December 29 - The Fifth Holy Night - The Need for ...
Dec 29 (1)
December 30-The Sixth Holy Night - The Need for Ar...
Dec 30 (1)
December 31-The Seventh Holy Night - The Need for ...
Dec 31 (1)
January 1 - The Eighth Holy Night - The Need for B...
2009 (5)
January (5)
Jan 01 (1)
January 2 - The Ninth Holy Night - The Need for Bo...
Jan 02 (1)
January 3 - The Tenth Holy Night - The Need for Ba...
Jan 03 (1)
January 4 - The Eleventh Holy Night - The Need for...
Jan 04 (1)
January 5 - The Twelfth Holy Night - The Need for ...
Jan 05 (1)
January 6 - Epiphany

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