Friday, May 16, 2008

Blog Catalog

I have been accepted into Blog Catalog! Yes! This is quite an event for someone who only started blogging recently! Last year at this time, I really didn't even know (or care) what a blog was- now I also know what podcast, twitter and ning are! I am NOT a techie, either! Really, if I can do it- ANYONE can! Now I am also rolling on down the road to BIZ WIZ- that is right around the corner... (being a business wizard) THAT has been a challenge for me, since I have been in the sheltered, protected professional world all my life! My Dad was in the business world, and was successful and respected, so he is my example that I can follow- I just wish he was still here to guide me better- I sure miss him! And always will! Thank You, Dad!

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