Saturday, May 28, 2011

Eclipses of the Summer

Eclipse Season is here! These eclipses are the Eclipses of the Summer. There are usually two pairs of eclipses in each year, with two eclipses in each pair. This summer brings three eclipses:
Solar eclipse June 1st ~Good
Lunar eclipse June 15th ~Better
Solar eclipse July 1st ~Best
Fun, Fun, Fun!

Each one brings changes into our lives, each has different ways and means. The astronomy, astrology, science & spirit of eclipses are well known throughout the ages. The New Moon Solar Eclipse of June 1 will bring truthfulness to light and shine like a laser beam on new things in your life, this is good. Then the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse of June 15 will bring sudden endings, this better. The July 1st Eclipse will be a more difficult one, but will bring the Best rewards, which is the end of this round of eclipses. Save the best for last!

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