Sunday, November 11, 2007

The Game

Tonight, we played The Game at The Intenders of the Highest Good Circle. It was the first time that it was hosted by The Intenders. Lisa Moore, the ambassador of the game, kept us all in line and on task. The Game is based on Intention, so it was perfect for our venue. The Game has Lifecircle cards, and we played at my office, LIFE'S CYCLES! The Game is more than a game, it is a powerful communication & relationship building tool. There were some people there, who only wanted to watch the game, they "hover"- although they could not restrain themselves, and had to at least voice their opinion- declared an outburst. This game, we are told, is being played at the UN as a conflict resolution tool by real ambassadors of countries! I am impressed about this awesome use of the game. We all had fun as well as having our eyes opened to new possibilities, and really rock our world! Check out: Experience the game @

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